Customized Hair Products For The Win: Why You Need To Step Into the World of Customised Hair Care
It’s high time that you get out of the ‘one size fits all’ notion, ‘cause the best hair care solutions lie within customized hair products, and here are the deets!
So, if your regular hair product shopping involves going to a store and getting yourself the closest commercial product that might help you salvage your hair...STOP. Okay, that might sound a bit too rash, but maybe just give it a thought. The hair products you end up buying over the counter are one- probably loaded with chemicals, and two- may not even be helpful towards solving your hair problems. This is where the thought of customized hair products should crop up. And yes, customized hair care is an actual thing now, and is in fact quite a big step ahead in the hair care world!
If you’re still wondering what customized hair products can do for you, or why you need to consider signing up for customized hair care, this is where we’re letting you know all that there is to it. Let’s face it- no two hair types are the same. So why keep our product range limited to the basic problems that everyone has. If you ever feel that your shampoo or conditioner isn’t helping you target another hair problem you have, you are on the right track towards making a more conscious choice for your hair. The world is filled with millions of hair types that absolutely cannot be put into a total of 5 boxes, and this is exactly where customized hair products come into play!
Um, Why Do I Need Customised Hair Products?
Constantly feeling stressed about your hair can really bog you down and we all know what stress can truly do to our bodies. Going to a store or ordering a commercial range of hair care products online may feel like the norm, but it doesn’t have to be. Your hair is your crowning glory, and you need to pay heed to ALL of its necessities...not just one or two of them.
To make sure you are giving your hair all the targetted attention it needs, and granting it all the hair goals you’ve wished for, you need to consider customized hair care products, pronto! If you are totally unaware of what customized hair products are, how they work, and why you should actually feel the need to get on board, make sure you read on. You are the only one responsible for your hair health, which is why it’s time you take the reigns. Don’t let others decide what’s best for your hair, customize your products according to YOUR needs!
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly...and how Customised hair products are the MVP
Before we get into the plush scientific nitty-gritty’s (basically all the smart stuff), grab your hair care products and give a long, ardent look at the ingredients label. See some fancy science words from your chemistry textbooks while you were in school? Okay, let’s give you another hint...see anything close to sulfur, parabens, etc. etc.? Bingo!
Enter, the league of harsh and damaging chemicals. If there’s one thing that customized hair products don’t have, are these creepy chemically names. Though these ingredients might sound kinda badass, they are horrendous for your hair, and we can’t stress upon that enough.
When you use commercial hair products instead of customized hair care products, here’s a list of the crazy stuff you’re putting in your hair:
Synthetic Detergents (YES, legit detergents): The term detergent might already ring a bell, an odious bell, but a bell nonetheless. The synthetic detergents that are often used in commercial shampoo products are designed to clean away dirt and oils from your scalp and hair. These are what lead to all the and foam while you’re lathering your hair.
Some of the common ones you might find lurking around in your products include sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium Laureth sulfate, and ammonium lauryl sulfate but generally speaking, any chemical name on an ingredient list that ends with “eth” is a detergent.
The Obscure “fragrance”: Following all those crazy chemicals comes a seemingly sweet little word - Fragrance. We hate to break it to you, but unlike the natural ones in customized hair products, these fragrances are in fact a concoction of scary chemicals. We will likely never be able to know all of the different chemicals used in the process of creating “fragrance” as there can be thousands of different compounds used depending on the manufacturer. Yaouza!
Not Princess Poly: Polyethylene glycol is a derivative of petroleum that is used in hair care products as a thickening agent. There is not enough research available to claim the toxicity of PEG, but hair care experts believe that PEG can have a damaging effect on your scalp. PEGs can be identified as numbers like 100, 120, 14M, 30, 32, 40, 75, and so on, so watch out for these numbers on your tags.
Pesky Parabens: Parabens are commonly used in a variety of cosmetic products as a preservative. You can find them listed on labels as methylparaben or propylparaben but there are a number of parabens used in cosmetics. Your skin can become irritated by parabens in hair care products which could cause an unhealthy scalp. If your hair is on the finer and less voluminous side, you should be extra aware of parabens since they can affect hormone levels and cause hair loss.
Phthalates (The PH is silent, pun-intended): Phthalates are used in hair care products to increase the spreadability of a product. They are used to make the perfume stick to your scalp and hair. They are endocrine disruptors meaning they can cause early puberty in girls and reduce sperm count in men. They are also highly dangerous for the environment.
Selenium sulfide: Selenium sulfide is a proven carcinogen (cancer-causing compound). Lab tests on mice showed the development of tumors due to selenium sulfide. Read the ingredients of your anti-dandruff shampoos to stay away from selenium sulfide.
Booze, but not the right kind: Nearly every commercial hair product contains some amount of alcohol, and this not the kind of beer goodness you might be knowing of. Alcohol is used in hair care products as a thickening agent, especially if the other ingredients used are too thin, but you should be careful about choosing a shampoo brand with many alcohol-based ingredients, and here’s where customized hair products can do you a whole lot of good!
Toluene A.K.A Preggo Mums, Alert: Toluene is a petrochemical solvent used in most hair dyes. They can hamper your immune system and may even cause birth defects. Please stay away from hair dyes if you are an expectant mom. Toluene can have a detrimental effect on your central nervous system. Toluene is often labeled as benzene, phenylmethane, toluol, and methylbenzene.
Triclosan: Triclosan is an important antibacterial agent in soap bars. But it is being used in shampoos, toothpaste, and deodorants, despite being unsafe. It is a known hormone disruptor. Triclosan is believed to get accumulated in your fat cells and keep the body in a state of toxicity.
Once there was a silicon named Dimethicone: Dimethicone is a type of silicone added in hair care products. It acts as a protective layer to your hair shaft but over time, builds up residue on your scalp. It prevents moisture from entering the hair and can cause scalp irritation by clogging the pores.
Salty Sodium Chloride: If you didn’t figure it out already, sodium chloride is basically your everyday salt. When sodium chloride is added to our hair products though, it can easily dry out hair, cause an itchy scalp and thin out your locks.
Retinyl palmitate: Retinyl palmitate is the ester of retinol and palmitic acid. This ingredient can cause skin itching, redness, scaling, and peeling. It may also cause cancer, reproductive problems, and toxicity to organs. Still, want to take the risk?
Fake colors: You might be buying shampoo because you’re totally in love with its color, but that might not be a good idea. Commercial hair brands love to add color to make their products look adorbs. So, if you’re someone with an allergy to food coloring, you should be extra cautious of what you’re putting in your hair as these additives can cause a flaky or irritated scalp. These colors (if there are any) are a lot more naturally-sourced when you switch to customized hair care.
Pro Tip: Synthetic coloring in hair products is often labeled as something like FD&C or D&C followed by a color and a number. So erm, now that you’re looking at that ingredient tag, this might trigger your concerns.
The Joys of Customised Hair Care
Now that you know the demerits of these commercial products, you might be wondering, “what’s so great about customized hair products?” The answer is quite simple, but let’s just make it more explanatory for you to understand through and through!
Chemicals, Be Gone!
Yes, by far the biggest plus points of customized hair products are the zero chemical, clean formula that your hair will love and cherish for life. Completely free of GMOs, sulfates and parabens, customized hair care products are a thorough boon for your hair. The less you inflict your hair with harsh chemicals, the better you’d be able to tackle your hair problems and the healthier they’ll be for a longer time!
Natural is Better
Customized hair products infuse natural oils, minerals, and herbal extracts into the hair follicles to maintain moisture. They also make the hair more healthy and repair damaged hair. Whatever your hair problem, the best remedies are found within the depths of Mother Earth. No chemicals involved!
Allergies Away
Since customized hair products contain all-natural ingredients, they are suitable for all skin types and are also non-allergic. If you’ve been facing severe allergies due to your commercial brands, customized hair care will help you ease all your woes by tailor-making the best concoction for you and your rude little allergies!
Make A Wish, Or Two
Literally, genies in the bottle, customized hair care products can grant you all the wishes you need, without harming your hair. Be it softer, shinier, healthier, longer, denser, or even tamer hair, all you need to do is wish, and it will be granted! What’s more is that you can select numerous wishes all at once, instead of holding back! It’s au-naturale after all!
Problem-solving Skills
Going after one or two hair problems with your commercial products, or going after all your hair problems with customized hair products..you choose! Once you choose your hair problems that are to be targetted, your customized hair care products take shape with the help of top hair care experts who design the perfect little potion for your hair.
A Sneek-Peek Into Your Life
Customized hair care products are anything but superficial. Your customized hair care journey begins with a few questions that are targetted towards finding out all the hot goss about your lifestyle. Every tiny detail helps experts make the best product for you! From understanding your workout schedules to the more interesting consumption habits, everything works its way to the final goal: amazing hair!
The Look and Feel
Customized hair products leave no stones unturned! There is a completely natural solution for all your problems, goals, likes, and dislikes. Since the personalization element is held supreme in any customized hair care product, you get to decide what color and fragrance you’d want for your products. Since this product has your name written all over it, you get to choose what natural fragrance and natural color you’d like to see!
Transparency Above All
Honesty and transparency are what customized hair products are lauded for, and that’s partly why they are all the rage in today’s day and age. Unlike chemically-laden commercial brands who tend to hide a few shady ingredients, customized hair care products are incredibly credible. To enhance their accountability, all customized hair products have a clear list of ingredients used in them, no secrets here!
Research-Backed Ingredients
The natural ingredients used in customized hair products aren’t just organically-sourced, they are intensively researched (not on animals), so as to ensure they do their job. A great bonus to chemical-free solutions, this is where you truly know that the product is set to work its gorgeous magic on your beautiful hair!
Loving Your Hair
Above every other advantage, customized hair care products are truly meant to naturally enhance your hair health and hair quality...no collateral damages attached! If you really want to change your outlook towards your hair consciousness, custom is definitely the way to go. A targetted approach towards hair care is always the best approach towards hair care!
Grabbing Your Customised Hair Care Products
Now that you know about the wonders of customized hair care, it’s time to know where you can get your hands on them. Thoroughly invested in the goodness of our products, we at Ravel create amazing products that are based on your needs and yours only!
How It Works:
Once you get on board our website, all you need to do is answer a short quiz that helps us determine and conjure up the best customized hair product for you! The first step towards getting your own Ravel products is where you let us in on all your hair and lifestyle deets for us to craft the most suitable blend of ingredients for you! What more could your hair ask for, right?!
This quiz requires you to select all the correct answers that help us get closer to understanding you, your hair goals, and your hair problems. These questions include inquiries about your hair density, your lifestyle and consumption habits, an insight on recent chemical hair treatments, your hair concerns and the 5 top goals you’d want us to give you, through our products!
Start Your Customised Hair Care Journey Here:
Custom curation: Be it damaged hair solutions or hair fall solutions, our products are solely targeted at solving YOUR hair problems. We kinda take immense pride in lauding ourselves as hair genies who grant all of your hair wishes with our natural concoctions. No one understands your hair better than we do!
Science-backed Goodness: Our team of scientists is always on top of the newest discoveries and research when it comes to hair care. Rest assured, your formulas are always up-to-date with the best and most effective hair care ingredients.
Impeccable quality: At Ravel, we hold ourselves to the highest standards. This means working with suppliers that share our core values and ensuring comprehensive in-house testing.
Natural Ingredients: No matter how many times we might have used the word ‘Chemicals’ in this blog, we did it with a sheer disgust for the word. If there’s anything we hate at Ravel, it’s chemicals. Completely clean in our approach, our products do not contain even the tiniest speck of Sulphates, parabens, Gmo, the works. All of our ingredients are proudly showcased in our Ingredient list and shown to you as soon as you complete our customization quiz! There’s absolutely no secrecy here!
Our naturally sourced ingredients are carefully researched and ethically incorporated into your products. Some of our all-star ingredients include Almond oil, basil root extract, Crambe Oil, Ginseng extracts, Horsetail extract, Jojoba Oil, Lotus Extract, Olive oil, quinoa extract, and a lot more! We also ensure the use of humectants like coconut oil to counter any roughness, certain quaternion salts to condition hair, and natural oils like olive oil, jojoba oil, and palm oil for an additional, yet natural shine and luster with conditioning properties!
We also use natural kinds of butter that form a protective layer around the cuticle of your hair. Vitamin E, argan oil and vitamin B5 are also great conditioning ingredients that not only nourish your hair but make the hair fall flat.
These, and a lot more such amazing qualities, are what make customized hair products the true salvation for your hair! Start your journey NOW!